Six Wheels in Germany – Month 5

Cycling statistics for August 2014 This month I have cycled 1,242.74 km at an average speed of 17.9 km/h. Of that, Alfie did 721.44km and Penelope 521.30 (which tells you that we had some warm days in August). Here’s a map of my cycling routes in Kreis Viersen (plus the trip by car to the… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – Month 5

Helping at HBK Audax Control

Last year I found myself helping out with the control (obligatory stop) on the London Edinburgh London Audax (long-distance cycling event). You can read all about that here. Because I enjoyed it so much, when I heard that there was a similar (but longer) event taking place in Germany that went through Köln, just an… Continue reading Helping at HBK Audax Control

Six Wheels in Germany – Month 4

Report from July 2014 New blog feature – a Google Translate button here —-> This gives non English speakers the chance to have a really good laugh about how Google translates my words into their language. More languages can be added if you wish to request them (I am trying to keep the list shorter… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – Month 4

The Potato Peeling Championships

Readers of my blog will remember that I had to import a potato peeler from the UK (courtesy of friend Olaf who was passing through my corner of Germany on his bike). This is because the German potato peelers just don’t work for me. My landlady Gudula didn’t believe my peeler was as good as… Continue reading The Potato Peeling Championships

Six Wheels In Germany – Month 3

So it’s now the end of Month 3 in Germany. What have I noticed this month? (You can read about Month 1 here and Month 2 here). People I’ve met Gundi in Köln/Cologne I have a German friend called Gundi who lives in Colchester and who I met through a cycling group there. Gundi contacted… Continue reading Six Wheels In Germany – Month 3

Six Wheels In Germany – Month 2

So it’s the end of my second month as a German resident. Month 2 has gone swimmingly too – and I’ve had the benefit of meeting up with several friends. Oliver and his Mango Firstly I met Oliver, a friend through a German velomobile forum (although he’s from the Netherlands), for tea and cake in… Continue reading Six Wheels In Germany – Month 2

Six Wheels In Germany – Month 1

So I have now been here in Germany for one month. I thought it would be good to offer a quick summary of life for a British person in Germany as I have experienced it. Did it live up to my expectations? Were the stereotypes of life in Germany accurate? Short answers – YES and… Continue reading Six Wheels In Germany – Month 1

SPEZI Radmesse – a quick report

For the past nineteen years there has been a Special Bike Show in Germersheim near Mannheim in Germany, called SPEZI Radmesse. This year was my chance to attend! Last July I met a bunch of velomobile riders from Germany, one of whom lives near me in Schwalmtal. Back them he said that I could go… Continue reading SPEZI Radmesse – a quick report

Auntie Helen flees to the continent 2: I’ve arrived in Germany!!!!

Yes, I’ve made it – I’m now living in Germany! Leaving Events First of all, however, I was able to enjoy several leaving events (I think I counted nine in total). These included Black Forest Gateau at a church housegroup, several meals with friends and, on the Saturday before I went, a cycle ride around… Continue reading Auntie Helen flees to the continent 2: I’ve arrived in Germany!!!!

Auntie Helen flees to the continent…

Yes, I’m crossing the English Channel and going to live ‘abroad’. The title of this post, “Auntie Helen flees to the continent”, is a quote from the minister of my church who explained to a church meeting why I couldn’t organise our event in the Essex Book Festival as I had for the previous five… Continue reading Auntie Helen flees to the continent…

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