Main/Rhein 2009 – Spay to Bonn

Day 9 – Sunday 6th September – Spay to Bonn Distance: 51.91 miles; time: 5 hours 06 minutes; calories: 3183 Best breakfast yet! We certainly like the Flair Hotel Alte Posthof in Spay, definitely one to choose if you’re ever in that part of the world! We had allowed ourselves a bit of a lie-in… Continue reading Main/Rhein 2009 – Spay to Bonn

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Main/Rhein 2009 – Mainz to Spay

Day 8 – Saturday 5th September – Mainz to Spay Distance: 53.41 miles; time: 5 hours 02 minutes; calories: 3226 Well Mainz hasn’t really hit the spot. No doubt it’s a nice enough place, but when you’re in a tiny room with no loo above a cuban bar with singing till 4am, it doesn’t help… Continue reading Main/Rhein 2009 – Mainz to Spay

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Main/Rhein 2009 – Aschaffenburg to Mainz

Day 7 – Friday 4th September – Aschaffenburg to Mainz Distance: 59.45 miles; time: 5 hours 54 minutes; calories: 3509 Pippa and I had decided that, as today was a long distance and the weather would get worse during the day, that we would get up early, eat breakfast and go. So we met up… Continue reading Main/Rhein 2009 – Aschaffenburg to Mainz

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Main/Rhein 2009 – Wertheim to Aschaffenburg

Day 6 – Thursday 3rd September – Wertheim to Aschaffenburg Distance: 49.18 miles; time: 4 hours 41 minutes; calories: 3000ish This morning before breakfast I spent time on the phone ringing around for accommodation in Aschaffenburg tonight, eventually finding space in the Hotel Mainperle at 55 Euro per night. I also booked tomorrow night’s accommodation… Continue reading Main/Rhein 2009 – Wertheim to Aschaffenburg

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Main/Rhein 2009 – Würzburg to Wertheim

Day 5 – Wednesday 2nd September – Würzburg to Wertheim Distance: 63.66 miles; time: 5 hours 31 minutes; calories: 4162 After a rather fab 9.5 hour sleep (the advantage of a big cycle ride the day before) we had the best breakfast yet. Yum! Pippa and I planned to meet at the reception desk as… Continue reading Main/Rhein 2009 – Würzburg to Wertheim

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Main/Rhein 2009 – Schweinfurt to Würzburg

Day 4 – Tuesday 1 September –  Schweinfurt to Würzburg. Distance: 60.76 miles; time: 06 hours 00 minutes;  3836 calories. Pippa and I met for a hearty breakfast this morning at 8am, having planned to set off at 9am. This is because we were doing 100km today to reach Würzburg, a rather lovely town that… Continue reading Main/Rhein 2009 – Schweinfurt to Würzburg

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Main/Rhein 2009 – Bamberg to Schweinfurt

Day 3 – Monday 31 August- Bamberg to Schweinfurt. Distance: 38.25 miles; time: 03:47:00; Had a wonderful shower this morning, it really sets you up for the day. The clothes I washed last night were still damp so I used my other set of shorts and sleeveless jersey – my Dad had emailed me a… Continue reading Main/Rhein 2009 – Bamberg to Schweinfurt

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Main/Rhein 2009 – Hoek van Holland to Bamberg by train

Day 2 – Sunday 30 August – Hoek van Holland to Bamberg. Distance: 3.10 miles; time: 53:02; Was woken at 5:45UK time to give us an hour’s warning for disembarkation of the ferry. Pippa and I rescued our bikes, although a woman in a car gave me evil looks as I moved my trike around,… Continue reading Main/Rhein 2009 – Hoek van Holland to Bamberg by train

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Main/Rhein 2009 – to Harwich and beyond

Day 1 – Saturday 29 August. Distance: 1.15 miles; time: 00:00:00;  Average speed: 0mph;  Max speed: 0.0mph Not a particularly auspicious start to the holiday – I’ve had a stomach bug since Wednesday. James got it too but recovered within 24 hours. With me it’s lingered on rather longer and although I’m no longer needing… Continue reading Main/Rhein 2009 – to Harwich and beyond

Categorised as Cycle Tours

Mosel 2009 – Harwich to home

Day 11 – Wednesday 3rd June Distance: 15.63 miles; time: 1:18:10; Average speed: 12.0 mph; Max speed: 26.9 mph So… I woke up and looked out of the window across to the Shotley peninsula. Yes, we were docked at Harwich. I collected my trike, disembarked and then cycled the fifteen miles home along the A120… Continue reading Mosel 2009 – Harwich to home

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Mosel 2009 – Bad Breisig to Hoek van Holland (train-assisted!)

Day 10 – Tuesday 2nd June Distance: 24.26 miles; time: 2:50:16; Average speed: 8.6 mph; Max speed: 18.2 mph; Calories (according to Garmin): 1347; total tour distance 448 miles. So today was my day for travelling home. I came down to breakfast early and was out of the hotel by 8:15am. I purchased my train… Continue reading Mosel 2009 – Bad Breisig to Hoek van Holland (train-assisted!)

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Mosel 2009 – Hatzenport to Bad Breisig

Day 9 – Monday 1st June Distance: 68.97 miles; time: 6:03:20; Average speed: 11.3 mph; Max speed: 20.2 mph; Calories (according to Garmin): 4382; total tour distance 423.65 miles. When I got up this morning I felt a bit weary of the packing/unpacking/washing of clothes/carting everything about and wondered when to call the tour a… Continue reading Mosel 2009 – Hatzenport to Bad Breisig

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Mosel 2009 – Bernkastel-Kues to Hatzenport

Day 8 – Sunday 31st May Distance: 63.32 miles; time: 5:14:40; Average speed: 12.1 mph; Max speed: 23.4 mph; Calories (according to Garmin): 3832; total tour distance 354.83 miles. Today’s plan was to cycle to Cochem, 50 miles away. However I had a chat with the hotel owner and he thought accommodation problems in Cochem… Continue reading Mosel 2009 – Bernkastel-Kues to Hatzenport

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Mosel 2009 – Heading back again: Trier to Bernkastel-Kues

Day 7 – Saturday 30th May Distance: 40.86 miles; time: 4:48:55; Average speed: 10.7 mph; Max speed: 23.1 mph; Calories (according to Garmin): 2644; total tour distance 291.51 miles. Well James is at Portsmouth, apparently, (I phoned him last night), so I have probably cycled further than they have sailed in that time! I took… Continue reading Mosel 2009 – Heading back again: Trier to Bernkastel-Kues

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Mosel 2009 – Traben-Trarbach to Trier

Day 6 – Friday 29th May Distance: 60.58 miles; time: 5:03:53; Average speed: 12.0 mph; Max speed: 25.0 mph; Calories (according to Garmin): 3894 So… this morning I realised I didn’t know what time breakfast was, so decided to aim for 7:30am which would give me plenty of time to get on the road for… Continue reading Mosel 2009 – Traben-Trarbach to Trier

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Mosel 2009 – Treis-Karden to Traben-Trarbach

Day 5 – Thursday 28th May Distance: 44.34 miles; time: 4:03:48; Average speed: 10.9 mph; Max speed: 21.0 mph; Calories (guesstimate as Garmin lost ’em): 3000 After breakfast I set off at 9am, wanting to get on the road so I could do my riding in the morning and hopefully arrive at either Traben-Trarbach or… Continue reading Mosel 2009 – Treis-Karden to Traben-Trarbach

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Mosel 2009 – Bad Breisig to Treis-Karden

Day 4 – Wednesday 27th May Distance: 48.35 miles; time: 04:39:32; Average speed: 10.4 mph; Max speed: 19.9 mph; Calories (according to Garmin): 3011 Breakfast of cold meats and cheese with a boiled egg set me up for the morning’s ride, although I eschewed the black bread (I ate the two white rolls instead!). Had… Continue reading Mosel 2009 – Bad Breisig to Treis-Karden

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Mosel 2009 – Köln to Bad Breisig

Day 3 – Tuesday 26th May Distance: 45.34 miles; time: 04:09:27; Average speed: 10.9 mph; Max speed: 18.7mph; Calories (according to Garmin): 2928 After 9.5 hours of sleep I felt much refreshed! I had a good breakfast with a cup of tea (1 teabag down, 79 to go) and it made me realise that I… Continue reading Mosel 2009 – Köln to Bad Breisig

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Mosel 2009 – Train to Düsseldorf and three wheels to Köln

Day 2 – Monday 25th May Distance: 34.71 miles; time: 04:05:49; Average speed: 8.5mph; Max speed: 30.5mph Woke up horribly early (5am) while we were still at sea. Looked at the breakfast for sale but at €12.50 decided that was too much so had the banana I’d brought with me. The tannoy called us to… Continue reading Mosel 2009 – Train to Düsseldorf and three wheels to Köln

Categorised as Cycle Tours

Mosel 2009 – Heading for the continent on three wheels!

Day 1 – Sunday 24 May. Left home at 18:45, popped in to the beer/music festival at my local punb to say goodbye to the neighbours, then hit the road in earnest. The trike was going well despite all the luggage – it seems less bouncy over bumps although there’s still a creaking from the… Continue reading Mosel 2009 – Heading for the continent on three wheels!

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