Six Wheels in Germany – October 2022 (Month 103)

This month I have been to England, the Netherlands and Poland! Back to Blighty I mentioned at the end of my last blog post that I was having a short trip to the UK to visit family. Klaus was staying behind as he didn’t have the time off – he ended up doing a bike… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – October 2022 (Month 103)

Six Wheels in Germany – September 2022 (Month 102)

Welcome to my September round-up. Not too much happened this month, but I did have quite a lot of cakes, so prepare for some cake photography! As part of my continual search for the best cakes in Germany I have started a Google Maps list of all the places we really like. Here is the… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – September 2022 (Month 102)

Six Wheels in Germany – August 2022 (Month 101)

Welcome to my short August round-up. Short because not much has happened. But here is a brief sum-up. 1st Wedding Anniversary Klaus and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary on 27 August. As will not be a surprise, we planned one of our mini-honeymoons (number 10), this time a bit further afield. We went to… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – August 2022 (Month 101)

Six Wheels in Germany – July 2022 (Month 100)

Yes, I really have reached my 100th month in Germany! So what did I do at the beginning of the month but… go for a cycle ride for cake! This was with friend Jochen who we hadn’t seen for aaaaaages, and we also invited Gudula and Frank to come along as it was a nice… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – July 2022 (Month 100)

Six Wheels in Germany – June 2022 (Month 99)

This month we finally had our honeymoon – you can read all about it here: Klaus and Helen’s Honeymoon Road Trip. Because that is pretty much all that has happened in June 2022 this will be an unusually short blog! One very important thing is that Poppy the dog turned 12! Here she is looking… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – June 2022 (Month 99)

Six Wheels in Germany – May 2022 (Month 98)

First a warning – there seems to be an excess of cake photos in this blog post. If you feel that seeing so many tasty cakes might make you feel that you are missing out, I suggest you skip this episode. Or perhaps the entire blog!! Last month I detailed our plans for Klaus’s birthday… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – May 2022 (Month 98)

Six Wheels in Germany – April 2022 (Month 97)

This month the weather became really spring-like. And we were able to experience this lovely weather not only in Germany but also in England – our long-delayed Summer Holiday 2020 in England finally took place in April 2022. A visit to England So we were off on another visit to England, Klaus’s first since summer… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – April 2022 (Month 97)

Six Wheels in Germany – March 2022 (Month 96)

Welcome to March, Spring seems to be arriving! Mini Honeymoon to Saarland This month’s Mini Honeymoon was to Mettlach in Saarland and it had the added bonus that we were taking Lara with us and she would spend the weekend with her friend Nastya. So we set off at 8:30 on the Saturday morning, collecting… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – March 2022 (Month 96)

Six Wheels in Germany – February 2022 (Month 95)

February 2022 started well – I was able to have my trip to England! A visit to England As I mentioned in last month’s blog, I planned to use some of my overtime for a short visit to the UK. This time I would be travelling by car as the Netherlands would allow me to… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – February 2022 (Month 95)

Six Wheels in Germany – January 2022 (Month 94)

Welcome to the start of 2022. December was a quiet month in Auntie Helen’s household and January has been much the same. In these times of Coronavirus we don’t get out much, no real socialising, but despite this there are a couple of things to report… New Year’s Cycle Ride I may have lived in… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – January 2022 (Month 94)

Six Wheels in Germany – December 2021 (Month 93)

Welcome to the end of 2021. For some people 2021 was a year to forget because of all the problems of COVID-19. For Klaus and I, however, the year has been quite good – with naturally the highlight of our wedding in August. What has also been good is my new job, where I am… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – December 2021 (Month 93)

Six Wheels in Germany – November 2021 (Month 92)

Honeymoon #3 As I mentioned in previous blog posts, as we cannot have our ‘proper’ honeymoon this year we are planning one weekend away a month as a mini honeymoon, and it seems that we will be staying in castles for each of these (well, why not!) The chosen castle for November was Burg Schnellenberg… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – November 2021 (Month 92)

Six Wheels in Germany – October 2021 (Month 91)

Honeymoon #2 As I mentioned last month, Klaus and I can’t have our proper honeymoon until June 2022 so we decided to have a weekend away per month as some mini-honeymoons until that date. We will, of course, use Zuzanna the BMW Z3 when possible – which is between April and October, as she has… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – October 2021 (Month 91)

Six Wheels in Germany – September 2021 (Month 90)

Our honeymoon? As mentioned last month, Klaus and I got married this month and I wrote a separate blog post about it… Reader, I married him We would not be able to have our honeymoon this year due to my new job so we started planning it for next June. And we decided on a… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – September 2021 (Month 90)

Six Wheels in Germany – August 2021 (Month 89)

A quite big event… This month something quite important happened! Klaus and I got married. If you haven’t read it yet, have a look here: Reader, I married him Visiting England I started this month with a trip to the UK! This was arranged extremely last-minute when the UK adjusted its rules so fully-vaccinated people… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – August 2021 (Month 89)

Reader, I married him…

Yes, Klaus and I have just got married! However, this is not just a short blog post about it, as if anyone has ever wondered how easy it is for two divorced people from different countries to get married in Germany, now you can learn the answer – not that easy! Engagement Klaus completely took… Continue reading Reader, I married him…

Six Wheels in Germany – July 2021 (Month 88)

Activities this month Running I first started running in July 2020, on July 27 to be specific. This was the Couch to 5k programme and I had no idea if I would complete it – I didn’t know if running would be for me. Turns out I got on well with the Couch to 5k… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – July 2021 (Month 88)

Three Wheels in Austria – June 2021 (Month 87)

The observant among you may have noticed that the title of this blog post has changed. No, I haven’t permanently moved to Austria, nor sold my Velomobile or my trike, but it seems that 95% of this blog is about our holiday in Austria (which included trike) so I thought it was fair to change… Continue reading Three Wheels in Austria – June 2021 (Month 87)

Six Wheels in Germany – May 2021 (Month 86)

Activities this month This has been a rather active month for various reasons which I will go into below. But on the sport side, I reached one milestone: This was 100 runs since I started, with 360km run in total. And then two days later I did my best ever 5k run with a time… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – May 2021 (Month 86)

Six Wheels in Germany – April 2021 (Month 85)

Activities this month This month continued with activities on most days. I run every two days, for 30 minutes or more, with a rest day in between. I cycle to work in the velomobile and Klaus and I have also done a couple of trike rides. Here is the Wheel to show you where I… Continue reading Six Wheels in Germany – April 2021 (Month 85)

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