After completing my challenge of visiting all the churches in Kreis Viersen it was time for another challenge – this time all the windmills (old ones, not new wind turbines) and watermills in Kreis Viersen. Fortunately there are rather fewer than the 98 churches – I was able to find 26 mills in total although… Continue reading Windmills and Watermills in Kreis Viersen
Category: Churches in Kreis Viersen
Visiting all of the churches in the region of Viersen in Nordrhein-Westfalen – by bicycle!
Churches in Kreis Viersen 91-98
This is the tenth and final batch of church visits that I’ve blogged about. You can read about 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70 and 71-80 and Churches in Kreis Viersen 81-90 as well. Churches visited this time 91. Hoffnungskirche, Schiefbahn 92. Kloster Mülhausen 93. St Peter und Paul, Leutherheide 94. Sankt Laurentius, Elmpt… Continue reading Churches in Kreis Viersen 91-98
Churches In Kreis Viersen 81-90
This is the ninth batch of church visits that I’ve blogged about. You can read about 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70 and 71-80 as well. Churches visited this time 81. Neuapostolische Kirche Dülken 82. Evangelische freikirche, Dülken 83. Amern Evangelische Kirche 84. Evangelische Kirche Bracht-Breyell 85. St Anna, Schaag 86. St Peter Born-Brüggen… Continue reading Churches In Kreis Viersen 81-90
Churches in Kreis Viersen 71-80
This is the eighth batch of church visits that I’ve blogged about. It’s been a while since I’ve added to this as I’ve mostly been riding in the dark (to my choir or language course) which has meant it’s tricky to take photographs but I did visit a few churches over the winter months and… Continue reading Churches in Kreis Viersen 71-80
Churches in Kreis Viersen 61-70
This is the seventh batch of church visits that I’ve blogged about. You can read about 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50 and 51-60 as well. Churches visited this time 61. Neuapostolische Kirche, Willich 62. Auferstehungskirche, Willich 63. St Michael, Waldniel 64. Kapelle St Maria an der Heiden, Overhetfeld 65. St Martin, Oberkrüchten 66. St Sebastian,… Continue reading Churches in Kreis Viersen 61-70
Churches in Kreis Viersen: 51-60
This is the sixth batch of church visits that I’ve blogged about. You can read about 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40 and 41-50 as well. Churches visited this time 51. Wegekapelle Lind, Boisheim-Lind 52. St Peter, Viersen-Boisheim 53. St Gertrud, Dilkrath 54. Johanneskapelle, Dilkrath 55. St Jakobus, Lüttelforst 56. St Heinrich, Mülhausen 57. Johanneskapelle, Nettetal 58.… Continue reading Churches in Kreis Viersen: 51-60
Churches in Kreis Viersen: 41-50
This is the fifth batch of church visits that I’ve blogged about. You can read about 1-10, 11-20, 21-30 and 31-40 as well. Churches 41-50 Churches visited this time (click on image to expand it): 41. St Nikolaus, Brüggen 42. Evangelische Kirche Brüggen 43. St Barbara Kirche in Brüggen-Holterheide 44. St Matthiaskapelle, Lötsch 45. St… Continue reading Churches in Kreis Viersen: 41-50
Churches in Kreis Viersen: 31-40
This is the fourth batch of church visits that I’ve blogged about. You can read about 1-10, 11-20 and 21-30 as well. Churches 31-40 Churches visited this time: 31. Kapelle in Haus Salus, Mülhausen 32. St Notburga, Viersen-Rahser 33. Anrath Evangelische Kirche 34. Pfarrkirche St Johannes Baptist, Anrath 35. St Clemens, Süchteln 36. Evangelische Kirchengemeinde… Continue reading Churches in Kreis Viersen: 31-40
Churches in Kreis Viersen: 21-30
This is the third batch of church visits that I’ve blogged about. You can read about 1-10 and 11-20 as well. Churches 21-30 Churches visited this time: 21. St Vitus, Oedt 22. Versöhnungskirche, Oedt 23. Kreuzkapelle, Kempen 24. St Cornelius, Tönisvorst-St Tönis 25. Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Sankt Tönis 26. St Remigius, Viersen 27. St Franziskus, Süchteln… Continue reading Churches in Kreis Viersen: 21-30
Churches in Kreis Viersen: 11-20
See here for my first blog post on visiting the 105 churches in Kreis Viersen that I have so far identified. Churches 11-20 Churches visited this time: 11. Kapelle Heumischhof, Kempen-Ziegelheide 12. Maria-Hilf Kriegergedächtniskapelle, Kempen 13. Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Tönisberg 14. St Antonius, Tönisberg 15. St Josef, Vinkrath 16. Friedenskirche Grefrath 17. Pfarrkirche St Laurentius, Grefrath… Continue reading Churches in Kreis Viersen: 11-20
Churches in Kreis Viersen: 1-10
One of my challenges for my year (or more) in Germany is to cycle to all the churches in Kreis Viersen. Kreis Viersen is sort-of equivalent to a UK local council area, such as Tendring in Essex where I live. Here is some information from the German Wikipedia site about Kreis Viersen: So with an… Continue reading Churches in Kreis Viersen: 1-10